


ねがひごとかならずかなふ穴守の いなりの神よいかに尊き
伯爵 東久世通禧
そもそも稲荷大神は 畏くも伊勢の外宮に斎き祀られる豊受姫命にましまして 衣食住の三要を守り給える最も尊き大神なり
羽田ではやるお穴さま 朝参り晩には利益授かる
古くから伝わる羽田節の一節にも謡われる 穴守大神の灼然たる神威を蒙り奉らんと 全国の講社をはじめ産業界や芸能界 或いは黎明期より航空人たちが挙って日々の平穏を祈り商売繁昌・千客万来を念願し 時の大臣すら親任ただちに馳せ詣でたと云う
明治の御代より在外邦人や外国人の参詣も数多く 大神の霊験顕著なるに感じて社前に六尺餘の狐像を献じた英国人や 石の大鳥居を建立する中国人などの話も伝わっており穴守大神を礼び奉り慕い奉る信徒層は 竪にも深く横にも広い
所謂「神人水魚の親しみ」は 唯り羽田発展の基調と云わしめ 今もなお受継がれている
厚き御稜威をうち仰ぐ あふぎがうらの御社へ
日にそへ年を経る毎に 詣で来る人いや増して
いまや都のまちまちは いふにおよばず皇国の
みなみは台湾きたは又 ほく海道の果てよりも
遥々きたるのみならず 遠くへだたるとつ国に
行きて商業するものも をりをりかりの玉章に
おのがねがひの真心を かきて送りてしり人に
ねぎごと頼む人もあり されば御国に寄留する
外国びとのみやしろに 詣づるものも数おほし
実にやみいづの証とて 朱のとりゐの数しれず
建列なるぞありがたき          .

穴守のみいづは今や扇浦 とつ国人も仰ぎぬるかな
二代目宮司 金子胤徳


社伝に云う 文化文政の頃 扇浦(現 羽田空港内)開墾の際 沿岸しばしば激浪のために害を被りたり
或時堤壁に大穴を生じ これより海水侵入せんとす ここに於いて村民等相談り 堤上に一祠を勧請し祀る処稲荷大神を以てす これ実に当社の草創なり
爾来神霊の神威灼然にして風浪の害なく五穀豊穣す その穴守を称するは「風浪が作りし穴の害より田畑を守り給う稲荷大神」という心なり

明治十八年公衆参拝の許を得 翌年十一月に「穴守稲荷神社」の御社号が官許せられてより殊に隆昌し 本邦初の神社参詣電車である京浜電鉄穴守線(現 京急空港線)の開通 鉱泉発掘や海水浴場・競馬場など聖俗糾いて殷賑を極むる
参拝の大衆日夜多く境内踵を接する如く またその景趣は東国一と讃えられ崇敬者は国内は固より遠く外つ国にも及べり 社前には数多の鳥居が奉納され(記録に拠れば四萬六千七百九十七基)其の鳥居の下に入れば雨にも濡れぬと言わしめた

立並ぶ朱の鳥居の数見ても ひろき神徳の程ぞ知らるゝ
国学者 井上頼圀
然れど昭和二十年八月終戦にのぞみ未曾有の紛擾の中 連合国軍による羽田空港拡張の為 従来の鎮座地(現在のB滑走路南端付近)より四十八時間以内の強制退去を命ぜらるる
而して未だ戦禍の跡も癒えぬ昭和二十二年 地元崇敬者有志による熱意の奉仕により旧鎮座地と一衣帯水の地に境内地七百坪が寄進され 仮社殿を復興再建 翌年二月 現在地(大田区羽田五丁目)に遷座せり
なにごとのおわしますかは知らねども かたじけなさに涙こぼるる
爾来崇敬者各位の協力により 社殿・神楽殿・社務所等を復興し 令和二年春には目出度くも奥之宮・稲荷山を竣工


今は昔 羽田浦は要島に一翁あり 要島は干拓く島なれば堤にて固め成されり
然ど海嘯に襲し堤破るゝ事屡なれば 堤の上に祠を構へ稲荷大神を勧請せしめ給ふに 此の方風浪の害止み之を以て穴守稲荷と称す
一旦翁漁より戻りて魚篭を覗くに釣せし筈魚無く只湿砂のみ在り 翌も翌々も大漁なれど魚は更に無く湿砂のみ在るを訝しく思ひし翁村衆に是を談る
衆人之を狐の仕業とし穴守稲荷の社を囲みて狐捕へけれど 翁此を赦し放ちてり
爾来 翁漁に出づる度大漁なり 魚篭には許多の魚と僅なる湿砂あり 嫗其の砂庭に撒くに忽ち千客萬來す 斯くて翁冨を得る
故 翁に肖り御砂以て招福の徳を得むと穴守の砂求むる者四方八方より訪れり
尚 今日に至る


  • 商・工・農・漁業・家内安全の招福には玄関入り口に
  • 病気平癒の場合は床の下に
  • 災・厄・禍除降の場合は其の方向へ
  • 新築・増改築には敷地の中心へ
  • 其の他特殊な場合には神社にお尋ね下さい



明治27年(西暦1894年)、穴守稲荷神社がまだ鈴木新田(現羽田空港)に鎮座していた頃、地元住民が早魃に備え、良水を求めて井戸を掘ってみたところ、海水よりも濃い塩水が湧出した。これを成分鑑定したところ、諸病に効く鉱泉と認められた。 その後、社前のあちこちに鉱泉宿が立ち並び、京浜電鉄によって日本初の神社参詣電車である穴守線(現・京急空港線)も開通し、羽田穴守はたちまち東京近郊の神社参拝を兼ねた一大保養地として発展し、その繁栄の様は東国一と称えられた。


明治29年(1896)7月には、崇敬者によって 「御神水講」が設立された。趣意書にはこの鉱泉は霊水であり、発見そのものが穴守稲荷の霊験であると述べられている。のちの講社名簿にはその御神水元講をはじめ、関東各地に「御神水講」の名をみることができ、鉱泉の発見が穴守稲荷に新たな御神水信仰をもたらし、講社の発展にも寄与した。 その灼然なる霊験を求める者は全国に広がり、上州草津温泉や磐梯熱海温泉等の著名な温泉地にも穴守稲荷の分社が創建されたのもこの頃である。





鎮りませるくしみたま 奇きみいづの祐けにや
ななとせ八年前のころ 良水得むとゆくりなく
一の井戸を掘りければ 礦泉たちまち湧出でて
たほく病者を癒しけり さればその後たれ彼も
之に倣ひて井を掘りて たか楼建てて客を待つ
社前につらなる種々の 店もひとしく客を呼ぶ
よりて益々たよりよく 名には背かぬいな妻の
くるまも疾く通ふなり 嗚呼ありがたき穴守の
神の御稜威を蒙ぶるは いく千万のひとならむ
かくいやちこの神御霊 かなめの島のあふぎ浦
みすゑ広くぞ栄ゆべき          .

 みやしろの為に凡ての営業を いとなむ人やいかに思ふらむ


羽田空港の始まりと 航空界との御神縁

大正6年(西暦1917年)、当時の神社総代で門前鉱泉宿『要館』の当主 石関倉吉氏の援助の下、早くから航空発展の重要性に目をつけた二人の青年、玉井清太郎と相羽有らによって、羽田穴守の地に「日本飛行学校」と「日本飛行機製作所」が創立された。




Description of Anamori Inari Jinja

Enshrined deity

“Toyoukehime-no-Mikoto”(Deity of Fertility)

Divine virtues

Whatever you wish for, it will come true.
Oh God of Anamori Inari, however precious you are!

“Inari” means “to become” or “to grow.” The word “to become” is a strong power word that expresses the power to produce all things. Inari is the most precious of all deities, who protects the three essentials of life: food, clothing, and habitation. Not a day goes by without we do not receive the divine virtues of this great deity, and indeed, the virtues are vast. Therefore, the deity’s majesty is clearly evident in such matters as business prosperity, family safety, fulfillment of one’s wishes, healing of illnesses, traffic safety, and protection from evil spirits and good fortune.
Also, the deity is mentioned in a passage of Haneda-bushi (the traditional song), which has been read and sung by worshippers. The song goes, “Anamori Inari’s familiar and respectful name is Oana-sama, and the name is in fashion in Haneda. If I visit the shrine in the morning, I would be blessed with a good virtue in the evening.”
Down the road, on the “Uma-no-hi” day of every month, the shrine is crowded from early morning to night. “Uma-no-hi” is the day that falls on “Uma” as the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac are applied to the calendar in the ancient Japanese way of counting dates. The deity of Inari was enshrined on Inari-yama mountain on the day of Uma, so this day is considered highly beneficial. In “Uma-no-hi”, the shrine put in Uma-no-hi festival (it’s called Fuku-matsuri) by worshippers, who revere the high and precious virtues of Anamori Inari.

Legendary shrine history

According to shrine legend. The shrine was founded in the Bunka-Bunsei period (1804-1830). At that time, when the Suzuki-shinden (where the Haneda Airport is located) cultivate, the coastal levees were often damaged by heavy waves. One time, a large hole was made in the middle of the levee. The seawater flowed into the inside of the levee. The villagers therefore decided to build a shrine on the levee and enshrine Inari-Okami, the Great Deity of Inari.
This was indeed the origin of the shrine. Since then, the shrine has been blessed with become for the productiveness of grain without harm from wind and waves. The name “Anamori” means “Great Deity of Inari who protects the fields from the damage caused by a large hole created by wind and waves.”
In November of Meiji 19 (1886 CE), the shrine’s name “Anamori Inari Jinja Shrine” was officially approved by the government, and since then, the shrine has been especially prosperous, with the opening of the Anamori Line (now the Airport Line), a pilgrimage railroad operated by the Keihin Electric Railway. Also, mineral spring excavations, seaside resorts, horse racing tracks, and the shrine has become a center of both sacred and secular activity. Everyday, people who visit the shrine, and there is praised as the best in the eastern Japan for its atmosphere, worshippers come from not only domestic area, but also over the world. According to legends, 46,797 torii (which sacred gates) had dedicated in front of the shrine, which is like a tunnel. So, it was said that if you entered the tunnel, you would not get wet even in the rain.
However, in the midst of unprecedented turmoil after WWU, the Allied Forces forced the shrine to be moved from its original location (near the south end of the current Runway B) within 48 hours due to the expansion of Haneda Airport. In Showa 22 (1947 CE), when the scars of the war had not yet healed, about 2,300 square meters of precincts was donated by local admirers as a voluntary contribution, and a temporary shrine pavilions was reconstructed. In February of Showa 23 (1948 CE), the shrine relocated to its current location (5-2 Haneda, Ota-City, Tokyo).
Since then, with the cooperation of all the worshippers, the shrine pavilions, Kaguraden, and shrine office have been reconstructed. In the Kaguraden, sacred dances called “Kagura" are performed with sacred music. And in the spring of Reiwa 2 (2020 CE), the Oku-no-miya (inner sanctuary) and Inari-yama mountain have been rebuilt, and the shrine is gradually regaining the appearance of the old days.

Oku-no-miya and Anamori sand

Once upon a time, there was an old man on the island of Kaname in Haneda. The island of Kaname has been surrounded by levee because there reclaimed island. However, it was hit by a tidal waves and the levees were often breached it, he established a shrine on top of the levees to invite the deity of Inari. Since then, it has not suffered any damage from wind or waves, people has became to call this shrine for Anamori Inari.
One day, when he returned from fishing and looked in his fish basket, there was nothing to catch, just wet sand. The next day, and the day after that, he caught a lot of fish, but the same thing happened again, only wet sand. He found it unnatural and taught the villagers. They attributed this to the fox and surrounded Anamori Inari to capture the fox, but he forgave the fox and let him go.
After this, every time he went fishing, he caught a lot of fish. In his fish basket contained a lot of fish and slightly wet sand. After that he sprinkle it in the garden, he has immediately got a lot of guests. In this way, he became the rich. So, following his example, people came from all quarters to obtain the blessing of sand from Anamori. And so, it has been remaining to present day.

How to sprinkle the sand

  • If you want to receive the blessings and safety of commerce, industry, agriculture, fishery, and family safety, sprinkle the sand at the entrance.
  • If you want to cure illness, sprinkle it under your bed.
  • If you want to get rid of a calamity or a bad luck, sprinkle it in that direction.
  • If you want to build new construction or additions, sprinkle it in the center of the site.
  • Otherwise, please ask “Kannushi” (Shinto priest).

Origen of divine water

・Detection of spring, prosperity of Anamori.

In Meiji 27 (1894 CE), when the Anamori Inari Jinja Shrine located Suzuki-shinden (now Haneda Airport). Briny water, thicker than seawater, gushed from the wells dug by the local people on the way to search of good water. From analysis of ingredients, it revealed that the mineral spring was effective for a variety of ailments.
Later, mineral spring inns lined up here and there in front of the shrine, with opening of the Anamori Line (now the Airport Line), by the Keihin Electric Railway. Therefore Haneda Anamori rapidly developed as a major tourist destination a visit of shrine in the suburbs of Tokyo, and there is praised as the best in the eastern Japan for its atmosphere.

・Miraculous of Anamori, procreation of belief.

In July of Meiji 29 (1896 CE), when it was established “Goshinsui-Kou”(group for divine water) by worshippers. Prospectus says that this springwater is sacred and that the discovery itself is miraculous virtues. In the group list the "Kou-sha" which is established as a civil organization for the management and preservation of shrine, a large number of name "Goshinsui-kou" as well as the founding "Goshinsui-kou" can be found in the Kanto area. Discovery of springwater has acquired new beliefs to Anamori Inari and contributed to the development of the group.
The people who demand for its blessing spread throughout the country, and it was around this time that branch shrines of Anamori Inari Jinja Shrine were established in Onsen resorts such as “Zyousyu-Kusatsu-Onsen” in Gunma prefecture, and ”Bandai-Atami-Onsen” in Fukushima prefecture.

・Environment of intolerable, perpetual of waters.

After WWU, the shrine and the mineral spring inns area were quickly reclaimed and became the cornerstone of Haneda Airport, and Anamori’s Goshinsui once ceased to exist. However, the people’s belief has never run dry, and the branch shrines in Kusatsu and Atami continued to be revered not only by local innkeepers, but also by hot-spring cures and tourists.
The news report that a natural hot spring gushed out from the area of Haneda Airport in Reiwa (Japanese calendar) as a result of Anamori Inari’s prayer is still fresh in our memories, and it has been relieving the fatigue of domestic and international travelers visiting Haneda Airport.

・Greeting of new-waters, protform reconstruction of Reiwa.

After a major renovation in the spring of Reiwa 3 (2021 CE), a well was dug on the precincts by admirers in April. The groundwater of Haneda Anamori gushed out again, and Anamori’s Goshinsui was restored in 80 years.
At the same time, a large water jar that had been used in the homes of the worshippers was dedicated, and it had been a Suikinnkutsu which is garden feature, buried earthen jar that makes sound when water drips into it, "Tougoku-ichi", was consecrated to the shrine. The Goshinsui pumped up from the well and be poured into this Suikinnkutsu, and its soothing sound purifies the hearts of worshippers.

Beginning of Haneda Airport, Association of flying industry

Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport), the gateway of the capital city Tokyo, was the once site of Anamori Inari Jinja Shrine and was known as Haneda Anamori-cho. It is the area that located between Tokyo and Yokohama, it is a major tourist destination for shrine visits.
In Taisho 6 (1917 CE), with the assistance of Kurakichi ISHIZEKI, the head of the “Kanamekan”, a mineral spring inn in shrine towns, there were two young men who considered the importance of aviation development since early on. Their names were Seitaro TAMAI and Tamotsu AIBA , and they established “Nippon Flying School” and “Nippon Aircraft Works” in Haneda Anamori-cho. At that time, there is an episode that a flying school trainee who offered “abura-age (fried tofu)” to the shrine on the eve of his first solo flight, the result of his flight went well, so he paid a visit to the shrine to thank it. From the above, the shrine already had people’s belief in aviation safety at this time. This is the beginning of aviation history at Haneda and the beginning of the association between Anamori Inari Jinja Shrine and the flying industry.
Down the road, the shrine towns came to attract attention as a suitable site for aviation. In Showa 6 (1931 CE), the government established “Tokyo Airfield” at the north of the shrine, and many aircrafts began to fly from the area. Tokyo Airfield opened on August 25, so this date is the anniversary of the current Haneda Airport’s opening. However, after WWU, the Tokyo Airfield was confiscated by the Allied Forces, and the shrine pavilions, stone lanterns, and numerous fox statues were quickly buried under the runway as the "cornerstone" of the Haneda Airport. This is the Passion for the community of Anamori Inari. After the Passion, only one Otorii (The grand sacred gates) was left over.
Although the people were in the face of these unbearable hardship, the people’s faith was not lost. Owing to the ardent faith of former residents of Anamori-cho and other worshippers from around the country, a new shrine precincts was donated near the Haneda Airport. Then, not only facilities such as shrine pavilions and Kaguraden, but also lost Matsuri (Shinto rite) were gradually restored. On May 17, 1955, the old terminal building of “Tokyo International Airport” was constructed on the once site of Anamori Inari Jinja Shrine, and the “Anamori Inari Airport Branch Shrine” was enshrined to pray for safe flights on the top of the terminal. Since then, the “Anamori Inari Airport Branch Shrine”, accompanied with the “Haneda Aviation Shrine” founded in Showa 38 (1963 CE), had preserved the safety and prosperity of the airport. When the airport offshore development project began, due to the old terminal building was pulled down so the “Haneda Aviation Shrine” was moved to the Terminal 1 building, and the “Anamori Inari Airport Branch Shrine” was enshrined along with the Anamori Inari Jinja Shrine. Both shrines continue to be enshrined by “Kannushi” (Shinto priest) of Anamori Inari Jinja Shrine until the present.
Even in the present day, since it was built as a “guardian deity of levees” to protect Haneda from disaster, many people from all walks of life, from dignitaries in the government and airline industry to individual travelers, visit the shrine to pray visit the shrine day and night to pray for the safety of airport construction and to seek blessings for air safety.
Even now, on southerly afternoons, airplanes flying toward southwest can be seen from the precincts. There are a lot of airport-related companies, training facilities, and dormitories nearby, and the shrine is full of awe and familiarity. In recent years, the shrine is being revered by not only domestically but also foreign airline companies. The holy day, colorful dedicated banners lined the precincts to praise the divine virtues of the deity of Anamori Inari.